Deaf Services

Museums & Galleries

Please check the websites and Facebook page - Deaf Tours and BSL Tallks UK.

The Wallace Collection - The Wallace Collection is a museum in Marylebone with a large collection of artwork, sculptures and furniture from 15th to the 19th century. They offer a quarterly 'Deaf Visions' event which is BSL signed

The Victoria & Albert Museum - The V&A is a museum of art and design based in South Kensington. It features regular BSL talks on a variety of subjects.

Tate Britain & Tate Modern - The Tate has two art galleries in London, the Tate Britain and the Tate Modern. The Tate Britain houses a collection of British art and is located in Milibank. The Tate Modern on the Soutbank houses 20th and 21st century art from around the world. Both galleries offer regular BSL talks.

Kew Gardens - check website for BSL tours and events.

Deaf Groups

After these isolating months of Covid, face to face groups will be starting to meet up again.  Please check websites for up to date information. 

There are a number of deaf groups across London that meet regular to provide a community for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Harrow United Deaf Group

St John's Deaf Community Centre


There are several colleges in London that provide specialist support for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing and courses in a variety of subjects.

CityLit - CityLit is an adult educational college near Holborn station that offers a wide range of short courses. They offer courses taught in BSL covering areas such as Computing, English, Maths and Deaf History.

Remark - Remark is a Deaf led organisation, passionate about the Deaf Community and provide a range of services to meet the needs of our clients. 

Harrow College - Harrow College offers a range of vocational courses and is a Centre of Excellence for the Hearing Impaired, and has a team to support deaf and hard of hearing students such as through sign language, note taking and lip speaking.

Signature - Signature is the leading awarding body for deaf communications qualifications in the UK. Please check the website to find courses in your area. 

Health & Support

There are a number of national and local charities who aim to support those who are deaf and hard of hearing, as well as supporting the family and friends of those who look after them.

RAD - provide services for Deaf people in their preferred language, advocacy, training, employment and other support.

DeafHope - DeafHope is now together with Sign Health. 

RNID - (formerly know as Action on Hearing Loss) has been helping people with hearing loss for more than 100 years.  They provide a range of services.  Click on the link to find out more. 

The British Deaf Association - The British Deaf Association is a Deaf-led charity that campaigns for the rights of Deaf and hard of hearing people to use BSL in their daily lives.

Hearing Link - Hearing Link is a UK charity that helps people with hearing loss, as well as their familiy and friends to adjust to the practical and emotional challenges that hearing loss can bring. Their website provides practical information about hearing loss and they also provide a number of in person services and programmes.

Deaf Roots - Deaf Roots are a charity based in Stratford in East London that aim to give deaf and hard of hearing people an opportunity to gain the skills required to find a job or voluntary role. They also run 'DeafClub', a weekly group for deaf or hard of hearing individuals that meets in Stratford.

Deaf Plus - Deaf Plus are a charity that aims to give Deaf and hard of hearing people a better quality of life by providing advice, supporting independent living and offering a helpine and training.


BSL Zone - BSL Zone is run by the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust and offers a range of BSL TV programmes made by Deaf people, for Deaf people. All of their TV programmes can be watched for free on their website.

BBC iPlayer Signed - The BBC offers a number of its TV programmes with BSL signing, and these are available to stream for free on iPlayer.

BBC See Hear - See Hear is a monthly magazine programme

ITV Signed Stories - ITV Signed Stories offers hundreds of childrens stories signed in BSL with animation, pictures and text.

Access London Theatre - The Official London Theatre website has a listing of performances in theatres across London that have captioning or BSL interpretation.

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